Sweet Re-leaf Sling Hangings

Sweet Re-leaf Sling Hangings
These hangings have a real pressed pot leaf encased between two pieces of beautiful hand cut stained glass with decorative solder detail around the edge. The hanger holds the piece like a sling, not only for aesthetic interest, but for added strength.
Please note that the leaf may fade overtime when exposed to bright direct sunlight. We personally like the idea of the work evolving over time, but if you don’t place your piece out of direct sunlight to help limit the fading.
The hangings measure about 4.25” in diameter, length and hanging material vary, and come ready to hang.
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We recognize that we have a great privilege to live in a state where cannabis is now legal and understand that thousands of people remain in prison and jail for cannabis convictions and even more have lost their rights due to past laws. This is why we are donating 10% of the proceeds from these pieces to Last Prisoner Project, an organization that works to redress the past and continuing harms of unjust laws and policies stemming from the criminalization fo cannabis.